SUITS DAta REpository Tools

SUITS DAta REpository tools is a collection of utilities for managing GPX trace (GPS data) files. The tools are available through a password protected area To aquire access credentials to the tools, please contact SUITS project here:


GPX Trace Selection

An online utility to search, view, filter and download GPX traces from a vast DB collection of traces around the world.

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SLG Converter

Converts SBOING traces (.slg files) into standardized GPX files. SLG is the file format that the SBOING navigator sbNaviâ„¢ uses to record user route traces. These files are strongly encrypted with proprietary crypto-algorithms. This utility converts such SLG files into the widely accepted GPX format.

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GPX Anonymizer

Anonymizes GPX files by replacing all metadata with a 1-way hashed version of their content. GPX files may contain user-specific metadata. This tool anonymizes those data by converting all metadata tags into their hashed version. Because the hash function is 1-way, it is impossible to invert the anonymization process and extract the initial information from the hash. However, the hashed identity of the same user will always be the same, so statistical anlaysis tools can take advantage of this feature in order to extract pseudo-anonymized per-user trends.

Direct link (login required)

GPX DB Importer

Imports the metadata of GPX files into a spatial PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. This tool parses one or more GPX file(s) and extracts the Origin and Destination points, as well as the bounding-box of the whole trace. This information is then imported into the database.

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